Improve and increase the availability of sustainable marine ingredients
Improve and increase the availability of sustainable marine ingredients
We are a sector wide, multi-stakeholder initiative working to drive environmental and social improvements in key fisheries globally.
Providing a single value chain contact point to contribute to existing platforms aimed at ensuring sustainable management of fisheries providing marine ingredients
Our members are all users of marine ingredients and other stakeholders interested in working collaboratively to increase the availability of sustainable marine ingredients.
Photo 1: Shutterstock 345589043 (Rich Carey) Photo 2: Shutterstock 1194539602 (Rudmer Zwerver) Photo 3: Shutterstock 126331568 (ermess) Photo 4: Shutterstock 508134493 (Repina Valeriya) Photo 5: Shutterstock 243451927 (saytong suksaeng)
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Contact us: contact@marinegrt.com